World Retail Congress 2014: “Retailing in an age of disruption”
Brand Trends
World Retail Congress 2014: “Retailing in an age of disruption”

Silvia Mussa, Senior Editor and Media Partnership Manager,
Since its launch in 2007, the World Retail Congress has become the annual platform for thousands of retail industry directors from over 50 countries to come together at the highest level to discuss and point the way forward on global critical issues.From 2012 this events cooperates with in a successful partnership.

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Since its launch in 2007, the World Retail Congress has become the annual platform for thousands of retail industry directors from over 50 countries to come together at the highest level to discuss and point the way forward on global critical issues.

From 2012 this events cooperates with in a successful partnership. As Media Partner gives visibility to WRC through its web and social channels. In the meantime WRC gives the opportunity to our editorial staff to participate to this exclusive event in the communication and branding world.

Taking place 29th Sept-1st October at the CNIT in Paris this year will see 1500+ retail CEOs, Chairmen, Presidents and Managing Directors meet to discuss the upcoming strategic retail opportunities.

“World Retail Congress is the biggest convention of our industry’s leading stalwarts and it provides exciting opportunities to network. With the opening up of the global marketplace and the rapid proliferation of online retail formats, the industry today is more competitive and dynamic. I am excited to be here this year and look forward to great insightful sessions by the leaders of our industry” Sanjeev Mohanty, Managing Director, Benetton India.


Each year, the Congress team undertakes rigorous and extensive research amongst senior retailers and other leading industry experts to gauge the most informed opinions on what are the issues currently shaping retailing. This year’s Advisory Board includes CEOs and Managing Directors from John Lewis, X5, Tesco, SPAR, El Corte Ingles, Bata, Deloitte, COOP and many more.


In developing the programme for the 2014 World Retail Congress, it has been striking that the retail mood around the world is unified in a belief that the industry is facing growing “disruption”. This word is being used in several contexts: disruptive technologies; disruptive business models; disruptive new entrants to the market and disruptive macro conditions but all of them impacting on retailing.

For this reason, the over-arching theme for the 2014 World Retail Congress is: “Retailing in an age of disruption”. Key topics that will be explored include:

The Retail Disruptors – Understanding the new breed of agile, innovative retailers

Millennial Shoppers – Getting to grips with this new customer demographic

Re-defining customer experience – Meeting the ‘I need it now’ culture

Emerging Markets  – New growth market opportunities

Innovative operating models – Re-designing business culture and structure


Over 165 expert speakers will be sharing their insight and experience into how they will be developing their strategy to respond to retailing in this era of disruption:

Andy Street, Managing Director, John Lewis
Mike Gould, Chairman, Bloomingdale’s
Ayana Parsons, Head of Retail, World Economic Forum
William Fung, Group Chairman, Li & Fung
Ken Murphy, Managing Director, International & Brands, Health and Beauty Division, Alliance Boots
Ray Kelvin, Founder and CEO, Ted Baker
Garry Hogarth, Chief Executive Officer, Agent Provocateur
Joe Tripodi, Global CMO, The Coca-Cola Company
Robin Terrell, Group Multi-Channel Director, Tesco
Manel Jadraque, CEO, Desigual
Tito Costa, Founder & Managing Director, ZALORA
Jeremy Hodara, Co-Founder and CEO, Jumia
Olivier Mathiot, Co-Founder and CEO, PriceMinister (part of the Rakuten Group)
Sanjeev Mohanty, Managing Director, Benetton India
Mukesh Bansal, Founder and CEO,
Sudhitham Chirathivat, Former Executive Chairman, Central Group
Steve Robinson, CEO,
Ning Li, Co-Founder & CEO,
Robin Philips, eCommerce director, Waitrose


Alongside this, the congress offers 15+ hours of dedicated networking where face-to-face meetings can be arranged and lasting business partnerships established with the global retail elite.  For a senior retailer, there are very few opportunities to mix with your peers and to make numerous new contacts as well as having conversations with other executives tackling the same problems and issues.

The shared learnings to be gained from the Congress are immense.


For more information please contact the World Retail Congress Team:
Call: +44 (0) 203 033 2288


A cura di

Silvia Mussa

Redattore Senior

Collabora con dal 2009

E' dal 2012 all'interno della Direzione Marketing del Gruppo Bluvacanze. Precedentemente project manager presso un tour operator specializzato in soggiorni studio. Da dicembre 2008 a giugno 2009 ha realizzato uno stage presso l'ufficio marketing di Citroén Italia.

Dopo la laurea triennale in 'Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere' presso l'Università  Cattolica di Milano con un elaborato linguistica francese sul linguaggio delle nuove tecnologie, nel dicembre 2008 consegue a pieni voti la laurea specialistica in 'Scienze della Comunicazione audiovisiva' con una tesi dal titolo "La prossemica degli eventi di comunicazione scientifica: uno studio transnazionale" incentrata sull'utilizzo degli spazi come veicolo di comunicazione aziendale ed experiential marketing nei congressi medico-scientifici.

Nell'estate 2008 ha partecipato al Summer Institute in Creative Advertising, Public relations, And Consumer Behavior presso la MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Retailing.

Da giugno 2009 è altresì cultore della materia presso la cattedra di "Storia e linguaggi della pubblicità" presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano collaborando altresì al Master Almed in Account e Sales Management. Tecniche di gestione e negoziazione applicate alle vendite.

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